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Conference paper information

Chaos generation in a semiconductor superlattice coupled to a linear resonator at room temperature

E. Mompó, M. Carretero, L.L. Bonilla

Challenges in Nonlinear Systems, Leganes (Spain). 06-07 July 2017


Random Bit Generators (RBG) are of great technological interest, since they are fundamental for data security through encryption, stochastic modeling, Monte-Carlo simulations, even online gambling games.
Classical generators can be either insecure or slow. Recent solutions that avoid these kind of problems include semiconductor superlattices, which can produce spontaneous chaotic oscillations at room temperature. Theoretical study of these aspects of electron transport in superlattices is recent and needs to be completed.
In this work we studied the dynamics that take place when a superlattice is coupled to a monochromatic resonator at room temperature. That is, if the mere presence of a superlattice allows the resonator to (strongly) embrace a chaotic behaviour.

Spanish layman's summary:

Las superredes semiconductoras débilmente acopladas pueden ser utilizadas para establecer comunicaciones seguras. Por ello es de interés el estudio de sincronización de dos dispositivos, en particular, de manera inalámbrica. Estudiamos la interacción entre una superred y un circuito RLC.

English layman's summary:

Weakly coupled semiconductor superlattices can be used to establish a secure communication channel. That raises interest in the synchronization of two such devices. Particularly, wireless synchronization. We study the interaction of a superlattice with a RLC circuit.

Publication date: 2017-07-06.

E. Mompó, M. Carretero, L.L. Bonilla, Chaos generation in a semiconductor superlattice coupled to a linear resonator at room temperature, Challenges in Nonlinear Systems, Leganes (Spain). 06-07 July 2017.

    Research topics:
  • Data analytics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Cybersecurity: Cybercrime prevention, cybercrime detection
  • Numerical modelling